By | February 8, 2013

Always seem to be scrambling at the last minute to gather the stuff you need for a workshop?

Having basic workshop materials all ready to go can ease some of the last minute stresses associated with a workshop.

Take 15 minutes and gather the materials you need for your upcoming workshops.  Items such as:

·       Catalogs (do you have enough on hand?  If not, order more in advance)

·       Order forms (including Hostess order form)

·       Business Cards

·       Hostess Packages

·       Recruit Packages

·       Pens

·       Calculator

·       Grid Paper

·       Petty Cash/Change bag


Put all these items together in a bag that is all ready for you to grab on the day of your workshop means one less thing to worry about that day.  If you take anything out of the bag before you
workshop – put a sticky note with the item you need to return to the bag make sure you don't forget items at the last minute.

Having a checklist of the things on your list makes this gathering task easier in the future.


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