Blog Candy – Sizzlits 4 pk Lots of Tags

By | November 8, 2010

Hi Stampers

I received a surprise in my box of goodies from Stampin' Up!.  They inadvertently put in Sizzlits 4 pk Lots of Tags in with the rest of my things.  When I called them, they said I could keep it.  And since I already have Lots of Tags, I thought I would offer it as blog candy.

Lots of Tags 

Just imagine that it's nearly Christmas and you're scrambling to get all your presents under the tree. You've wrapped them all, and then you realize there are no tags! With time running short, the Stampin' Up! exclusive Lots of Tags die will save you tons of time, and you'll have 5 unique tag shapes to choose from. Bring on Santa!What you have to do is leave a comment  about the place you've visited that is breathtaking and was way beyond your dreams.  Share it with me and tell me why it was so beautiful!

You can enter as many time as you like.  The contest ends on 12 November 2010.  I'll draw a name via on 13 November 2010 and announce it on this blog.  If you are the winner, you will have to contact me by 16 November 2010 or I will draw another name.  US only please

Thanks and good luck to everyone.

This post will stay at the top until 12 November 2010 – please scroll down for the latest projects.

46 thoughts on “Blog Candy – Sizzlits 4 pk Lots of Tags

  1. Rita

    Oh!!!!! These are on my wish list because they are such cool shapes!

    I find the mountains of Kentucky and Tennessee breathtaking, especially in the fall. There is nothing like a mountainside full of red and orange to take your breath away.

  2. Ola Jaggers

    Wow, I would love to win this!!! How nice of SU!

    The first time my husband & I went to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge, TN I couldn’t believe it! The views of the mountains are breathtaking, and when your staying in a cabin on on of those mountains it’s amazing!

    After that we tokk our two son Luke 15 & Zach 10, and they loved it as much as we did. Now, it’s a family tradition to go to the Smokeys, rent a cabin & have a wonderful low key family vacation. We started this about 7 years ago…. we now try to go at least once a year. And, if you ask our boys where they want to go on vacation, it’s never Disney or anything like that, they always say to a cabin in the mountains!!

    Thank you so much for the chance to win!!!

    okj83 at live dot com

  3. Cindyb

    Oh awesome blog candy!
    My husband and I were lucky enough to go to Alaska. Just going to Alaska was way beyond my dreams, butseeing the glaciers calf was absolutely breathtaking. It was a once in a lifetime trip!

  4. sanwanya

    Great blog candy!!
    Well I have not been to many places but over the summer the family and I took our first family vacation to Pensocola Florida and I must say I loved it there! Loved walking on the beach bare footed in the sand watching miles miles and miles of sand!! Love seeing my kids face for the first time they ever seen the ocean!! Having my hubby hold my hand walking down the beach in the evening! It was awesome !!

  5. lisa808

    How nice of SU to let you keep the Sizzlet set and even nicer of you to offer it as blog candy!

    The most amazing place I have ever been is Venice, Italy. It is so beautiful & romantic there. Everything is done on foot or water–the police, garbage pick-up, ‘buses,’ etc. is all done by boat. There is so much energy there. It is really hard to describe the magic of Venice.

  6. Julie Temple

    WOW, what a wonderful offering…

    Well, I tend to love the majesty of mountains since I grew up in Iowa…flatlands…LOL! I LOVED the red rocky mountains of Arizona and Nevada, but I find the beauty of the mountains right here in my own back yard the most gorgeous! That is why I moved to Arkansas and the good Ol’ Ozarks!

  7. freida f

    How generous of SU and how thoughtful of you! Ohhh how I could use these! 🙂

    The most unbelievably gorgeous place I have been has to be Napa Valley when you can see acres and acres of lavender in one direction, and turn your head and see acres of sunflowers reaching the sky in another! Talk about breath-taking!

  8. Janet Swofford

    Wow! Thank you for sharing this awesome die set with us!
    I guess the most breathtaking place I’ve ever seen is Lake Tahoe. I was there during the summer and the view of the mountain peaks covered in snow when I was surrounded by a lush green summer landscape was just stunning. Plus I am a North Carolina girl and used to the gentle( and breathtaking in their own way!) slope of the Appalachians. So the contrast was quite striking in my eyes:-)
    Thanks again for sharing your windfall with us!
    Inky hugs,

  9. Judy Jackson

    Oh, thanks so much for offering this as Blog Candy! This is a Sizzlet set I have been eyeing and thinking about! so oh, I hope I win it! Thanks again!

  10. Carri McMullen

    Oh my thank you for sharing such a fun blog candy. My family and I enjoy the Oregon coast each summer, we hate to go home. The people are so friendly and the ocean breeze takes away all our worries.

  11. Judy Jackson

    I forgot to tell you about a place I have been that was breath taking — There have many. the Grand Canyon is a top one — and how does one say just how gorgeous it is. It is just undescribable! So were many views in Israel and in Romania as well.

  12. Sandi Dailey

    Sorry about that — I forgot to put in a place I have been that is breathtaking. I don’t know about breathtaking but I loved it: The House on the Rock, in Wisconsin. It is truly awesome. A man built a home in the top of this huge rock mountain. He just kept building and building and now holds some of the largest collections of various items (ferris wheels, marine artifacts, glass artifacts, about every type of collection). Plus the gardens are spectacular, there is a free-standing bridge that goes out to nowhere (very scary), and the actual living area of the house in totally unique being as it is drilled into the rock and all furniture is made of rock. A must see.
    Sandi Dailey

  13. teri

    The most awesome place I know of is Ireland. Everything is gorgeous there! Such vibrant greens and rolling hills everywhere! Super cool!

  14. Jill

    Thanks so much for the chance to win this awesome candy! I have been next to nowhere so the most breathtaking place for me is Stone Harbor NJ. So quiet and family oriented and close to nightlife and fun and so much other stuff. Beautiful beach. I’ve been to Disney- didn’t exactly take my breath away. Now if I get to Vegas-that would take my breath away!

  15. Nancy S

    Breathless would have to be Alaska. No matter which way you turned the scenery was breathtaking. A special treasured moment was a helicopter tour we took of 4 different Glaciers. We, my husband, daughter, son and his girlfriend landed on top of the Taku Glacier and my son got down on one knee and proposed to his now wife! A memory we all can share and remember.

    My husband and I have promised each other that we would definitely return and we would highly, highly recommend it to anyone.\

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  16. Debby

    Breath taking for me would of been when my aunt and uncle took me to Disney World when I was 15. We went in a Winnebago and it was the best scenic drive in the world. I learned so much on that trip.
    Thanks for the chance.
    angel hugs

  17. Sharon Wheet

    Wow! The generosity from everyone! SU for their gift. You for paying it forward! My story is pretty sappy and unfortunate typical. My husband took me on an Alaskan cruise for our 10th anniversary. When we reached glacier bay. . . It was a breathless experience. The sheer size of the ice. The rough beauty of the ice towering over the dark, deep water. The ice is this translucent blue, that is almost hypnotic. (It’s blue because that is the only light spectrum that can penetrate the ice.) and I got to share this natural beauty with my best friend and my ‘rock’. The rest of Alaska was simply gorgeous. And to be able to share the ‘views’ and experience the sights with my husband, are cherrished momments that will stay with me a lifetime.

  18. Cindy Marchant

    I guess I would have to echo some other commenters and say Alaska also. All of it! LOL! My husband and I went on a cruise for our 25th wedding aniversary and I hope we get to go again. It’s one wirth repeating for sure. It truly is a majestic part of our country.

    The blog candy you have is super cute! Thanks for the opportunity.

    Cindy Marchant

  19. ylita

    First of all, I want to say a big thank you for your blog and all your awesome ideas.

    It’s hard for me to pick somewhere because there are so many that are special to me as it was the last places I shared with my husband before he pased away. The last was the Oregan coast. That was the last trip we took as a family.

  20. Carol S

    I have been admiring this set for some time, it would be beyond cool to win it. Thanks for the chance.

    One of the most beautiful places I have been to is Victoria, BC, Canada. I live in the USA, and we traveled there on vacation a couple years ago. Victoria is one of the cleanest cities that I have ever seen. It is a picturesque city with the biggest flowers. One bush had flowers nearly as big as a melon. Amazingly they say they never get snow there.

  21. Jan

    Hi, Rachel – How sweet of you to offer your “surprise” from Stampin’ Up to us as blog candy! Just love visiting your blog!

  22. Wendy Hawkinson

    The most beautiful place I have ever been. This is difficult. Because of my husbands job, finances and children we have never gone on a vacation. goes… Along the Mississippi River on the Wisconsin side (hwy 13). I love to look at all the bluffs. It is especially beautiful in the fall when the colors change. If you watch the skies there’s often a bald eagle or two flying over the water.

  23. Jan

    Oops – I forgot to say that we visited Montana and Wyoming and toured Yellowstone National Park a few years back – everything about the mountains and scenery was just breath taking! Thanks for the chance to win.

  24. Kimberly S.

    Oh my goodness….these are my FAVORITE tags and they’re are on my HUGE wish list!!! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win these!!

  25. Nana Jo

    What great blog candy – I love the area around Destin Florida with the dolphins and the bridges and the beautiful white sand and the beautiful color of the water. Love the beach!!!

  26. Jennifer Blomquist

    Thanks for your generosity and being willing to share your extras with others. I don’t have these dies but think they are very cool. Thanks for the chance to win.

    Hmm, breathtaking place? I’m going to go with the Grand Canyon. I’ve only been once, but it is so cool to look at and think of the people many many years before who navigated this place without cars or technology. I can only imagine what it would have been like to be there.

  27. Sharon KIng

    Cape Cod National Seashore is one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited. Thanks for the chance to win the blog candy.
    Sharon King

  28. Diane Burns

    Thanks for passing it forward. I do not have these dies, but can already see the possibilities.

    I fell in love with Mount Ranier in the Seattle area. You can see it from the city but it is about an hours drive away. It is just breathtaking and a great escape on the weekends.

  29. Rhonda Miller

    What a nice surprise. Thanks for a chance.

    There is a lovely spot in the canyon just above Logan, UT. There are waterfalls and a spring inside a little gratto. It’s so peaceful up there and the kids and hubby and I just love to drive up there when we can.

  30. Lori Watson

    Great blog candy! My breath was taken away when I went to CO to see the three corners of 3 states it was so beautiful with the mountains and the peace that infused you was amazing. Hugs and happy stamping Lori Watson email

  31. Cheryl

    My most breathtaking site had to be the glaciers of Alaska. This was a wonderful trip, and I will never forget the sites.
    Thanks so much for your generosity!

  32. Darlene L

    Oooh! Thanks for the chance to win. I love Niagara Falls, the power of the rushing water. It is just a majestic place to me.

  33. Jean Fitch

    Hi Rachel,

    Not sure if this qualifies exactly but not long after my husband died I had I suppose you could call it a dream except that I would have sworn I was awake. Steve came, took me by the hand and said he’d show me where he was walking now (he was an avid hiker, backpacker and rock climber, we climbed to the top of a mountain and then the next thing I knew we were walking through the Universe – picture stars, planets and stellar phenomena like the Hubble Telescope pictures and you’ll be partway there. It took my breath away and you know…13 years later I can still picture it in my mind’s eye. Not sure I’ve seen anything quite that breath taking in real life.

    Thanks for prompting that memory again with your request. And thanks too for sharing your unexpected treasure.

    Hugs and blessings – Jean Fitch
    jlfstudio at

  34. Valerie Anglesey

    I have seen lots of breath taking things. One place this past summer that I saw was the Canyon De Chelley on the Navajo reservation in Arizona. It was a green valley with a river running through it and we stood on the wind swept desert above looking down into it. It had red rock cliffs and ancient rock houses built into them from life in the past. There were also rock formations that the Indians had named. It was gorgeous and I like it more than the Grand Canyon we had seen earlier on in the trip.

    Thanks for a chance to win something.

  35. debbie essay

    The Shannandoha(sp) mountains in the fall is the most breath taking place in the fall. It is post card perfect. The mountains and trees will just stay in your memory forever.
    Thanks for the tip #1 and #2.
    essay eighteen at verizon dot net

  36. Carey Rogers

    That is a really easy question. I knew what I was going to answer immediately. The most beautiful place and a place that always takes my breath away when I see it is the view from my own stamp room. I live in the country on top of a bluff. I am surrounded by many different types of trees at varying heights. My friend says it reminds her of being in a tree house which is why I have named my place The Stamping Tree House. It is gorgeous no matter what time of year it is. It faces west so I can see the sunset every evening. I am so blessed. Thanks for the chance to win this.

    Carey Rogers
    aka Roscoe’s mommy

  37. jmniffer

    Wonderful blog candy. How sweet of SU! to let you keep it and nice of you to offer it to us. A Wow for me was Waimea Canyon on Kauai Island. So beautiful and impressive. Thanks for a chance to win. jmniffer

  38. Rhonda Miller

    What fun tags. I love to stand out on my front lawn this time of year and look at the snow covered mountains. It’s a lovely view.

  39. Terry Schultz

    Thanks for the fun blog candy.
    I’ve been lucky enough to have lived in Colorado and taken in the majestic Rocky Mountain; lived in Mexico as a student; visited Hawaii, New Zealand and Australia. However, the last few weeks have given us some of the most beautiful autumn sunsets right out our own back window, with the sky blazing behind the outline of the leafless trees.

  40. Ashlee Townsend

    Well, I live in Northern California only about an hour from Yosemite, 15 min. from Columbia Historic Park and numerous other AMAZING places. But, when I went to Washington DC I was blown away!!!! I was so enthralled by the place so rich in history it was amazement around every corner. I couldn’t keep my mouth closed; my jaw kept hitting the ground. It was very emotional and fantastic and educational. If you’ve never visited I highly suggest it. I could have spent two weeks, easy. Thanks for the blog candy!

  41. Annette Vaughn

    Thanks so much for the blog candy opportunity, Rachel! I can think of a million ways to use these! The most gorgeous place I’ve ever been was Crater Lake, OR. It’s an old inactive volcano that has since filled with rain water & it’s the most gorgeous turquois blue I’ve EVER seen! Haven’t been there since I was a girl, but I look forward to the day when I can go again to show my husband. Thanks for all your awesome tips! Your projects are as elegant as you are!

  42. Valerie A.

    Another amazing place was in Colorado when we rode to the top of Pikes Peak on a train. We saw the view that inspired the song “America the Beautiful”. That was amazing to travel through pine trees to above the timberline. In the middle of July it was chilly enough for a jacket.

  43. Sherry Bees

    Hehehe, lucky day, huh?
    Isn’t it nice for something NICE to happen once in awhile!
    How nice of you to offer it for blog candy.
    I don’t have that one…imagine that!?! That’s a rarity! LOL
    Have fun with the lil blog candy giveaway and all the comments you get!

  44. Sherry Beeson

    oops!~ I guess I’m supposed to ‘work’ for the blog candy……duh!
    I think one of the most beautitul places I’ve seen is the Swiss Alps. I earned a free trip for me and hubby in 2001, when I sold House of Lloyd/Christmas Around the World. Maybe SOMEDAY, I’ll earn some FREE trips with SU….
    What a wonderful world we live in!!!

  45. Genia M. Richards

    Well, I don’t get out much. So I’ll have to say that the last place I went to took my breath away. It was the cabins at hillbilly Haven near Stonewall Jackson Lake in WV. For it not being very off the main road it allowed some privacy and relaxtion. My husband and I stayed there for our honeymoon back in March. We are planning on where to go for our 1st anniversary. So I don’t know where we will end up. I love looking at your blog daily and getting new ideas. Thanks for all the hard work you do.


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