Black Friday – Cyber Monday Special and winner!

By | November 25, 2010


Black Friday – Cyber Monday Special: 

  • Free shipping on any order over $50.00 placed Friday 25 Nov through Monday, 29 Nov
  • Free Card Kit Tutorial of the Month.  For this month, it's Vintage Christmas 
  • Orders must be placed through me not through my online Stampin' Store. 
  • After I receive your order, I'll send you an invoice and you can pay me through paypal or CC. 
  • I'll only take checks if you live in the area and would like to drop it by.

Contact me at or (479) 876-7453.


The personal who has commented the most on my blog is non other than Lisa (Lisa808).   Lisa, thanks so much for being such a faithful reader and commenter (is there such a word?).   Lisa, please send me your address and I'll get your goodies out to you.

I'll have another contest in the next couple of days so stay turned!

Thanks for stopping by today!


3 thoughts on “Black Friday – Cyber Monday Special and winner!

  1. lisa808


    You are so sweet. I am a faithful commenter (perhaps you created a new word!) because I enjoy your posts. You share so much and I appreciate it.

    Thank you, Lisa


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