Blog anniversary

By | March 3, 2011

Hi Stampers

On March 9, I will have been blogging for 3 years.  When I first started I keep asking myself where am I going to find the words to blog every day!  For those of you that know me personally, you know that I am basically a quiet person.  But somehow, I've done it!  WOOT!!!

I haven't decide what I will be giving away on March 9, but it will be good!  Just leave a comment between now and 9 March 2011 and I'll announce the winner on my blog on 10 March 2011.

Thanks to all of you that have been inspired by my creations.  I appreciate all your comments and read every one.

Thanks for stopping by today


20 thoughts on “Blog anniversary

  1. Elaine M. Wilson

    Congratulations Rachel! I enjoy reading your blog, but am not so good about commenting as I subscribe to over 450 blogs! It keeps me busy. I sure do love the internet. March 9th will be my daughter Jenna’s 27th birthday too….keep on blogging!!!

  2. Julie Temple

    Congratulations, Rachel! I am SO HAPPY that you started blogging 3 years ago…This is how I found you! Love your inspiration and wonderful creations! AND you are right here in NWA! Here’s to another 3 ( or 30 ) wonderful years in Blogland!

    Rubber Hugs,

  3. Valerie

    I still check your site everyday. Thanks for sharing your artwork and little life stories with the rest of us. Congradulations on Three years.

  4. Paula

    Happy Blogaversary! Isn’t it exciting? And like our scrapbooks you can look back & see how you’ve grown & changed over the years in your style & content. Congrats!

  5. kathy herrick

    i so enjoy reading and seeing your blog! keep up the good work!

  6. Mary A.

    Rachel, congratulations on your blog! I have been following you for some time and love your projects! You have always inspired me and I appreciate that you share so much! Thank you!

  7. Debbie G

    Congrats, Rachel. I am a subscriber and enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the beautiful projects. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Belinda Beshirs

    Your blog is creative and inspiring, its a reflection of you. Thank you for sharing a little piece of you everyday.

  9. jmniffer

    Congrats on your upcoming third Blogaversary! I just had my 27th wedding anniversary…love celebrating the special days. Thanks for sharing your creations with us. jmniffer at comcast dot net

  10. Rhonda Miller

    Congrats on your blogoversary!! I have enjoyed reading your blog and all the inspiration you have to share.

  11. Regina

    hello, Rachel

    congrats on your blogoversary!
    I like reading your blog through Google Reader. You always have so many wonderful projects. I enjoy your creativity!
    I have an address in USA.

    sending hugs

  12. Angela Mireles

    congrats! That is impressive. And the best part is it’s such a pleasure reading and looking at!


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