The Top Three Reasons You Want to be on My Mailing List

By | May 13, 2011

Hi Stampers

Newsletter-signupMay2011 1.  My newsletter includes a card (Card of the Month) with recipe and directions.  This card is only seen by subscribers on my newsletter.  It is a private feature and is never posted to my blog

2.  Specials available only through me.  This month I am including a special that is good for one day only.  Be sure and sign up before the newsletter goes out in the next couple of days.

3.  You also get information on specials, promotions, classes, tips, tutorials, Q&A and so much more.

If this sound good – sign up now and take advantage of the special that is good for May 18, 2011 only. 

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One thought on “The Top Three Reasons You Want to be on My Mailing List

  1. Lynn SB

    Hi Rachel

    thanks for the offer of blog candy! I enjoy your blog and visit often

    Lynn SB


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