Blog Candy!

By | October 12, 2011

Hi Stampers

Raining FlowersIt's time for blog candy.  Leave a comment on any post between today and 31 October telling me what you have to be thankful for this season.  I'll select a winner on 1 November and announce it on my blog on 1 November 2011.  Oh, and the prize is Raining Flowers (Clear Mount #122767).




Thanks for stopping by today

11 thoughts on “Blog Candy!

  1. Babe O'Mara

    Thanks for a chance to win some great candy. I’m most thankful for my health. I’m in pretty good shape for my age. Staying active, creative and interested in learning new things I think help alot.


  2. debbie essay

    This season I am very thankful that my son and his girlfriend (who are both in the Navy) will get to come home and visit us the first week of November. They will be deployed for Christmas again…..this will be the second year in a row being away for Christmas.
    essay eighteen at verizon dot net

  3. Debbie G

    Thanks for a chance to win. I am thankful for my family. My oldest daughter & family just moved back from the other side of the state. I am looking forward to the holidays.

  4. michelle

    I am grateful for each day of my life… since 2003 when i was diagnosed with a rare for of cancer.. I have lived a full..happy and minimally compromised life with with a loving and cherished family…
    what more can a person living with cancer ask for?

  5. michelle

    I am grateful for each day of my life… since 2003 when i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.. I have lived a full..happy and minimally compromised life with a loving and cherished family…
    what more can a person living with cancer ask for?

  6. Carol Parcell

    I have so much to be thankful for: my faith, first and then family. Those are pretty common answers so I’ll add we are mostly healthy, have jobs and doing OK! Thanks for the opportunity to win Raining Flowers. I don’t have that set yet!


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