Super Bowl Special

By | February 1, 2014

superbowl special 2This year, my Super Bowl Special runs from 12:00 am to the start of the game.  Starting after midnight, you can place your order 3 ways:

  1. Order Online
  2. E-mail me (
  3. Call me at (479) 876-7453 (after 8 am, please)

Depending on which team wins, you’ll receive the following discount (excludes sales tax and shipping):

  • Denver Broncos:  20%
  • Seattle Seahawks: 10%

If you order online, I will send you a check for the discount.

If you place your order through me, I’ll send you an invoice after the game ends.

Check out the deals:

Don’t forget, your order must be in before  the start of the game!

Thanks for stopping by today





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