For From Our Hearts

By | January 22, 2012

Hi Stampers

Finally finished my stamp room.  Now on to the rest of the house! One of the good things about decluttering is that you have "stuff" to give away.  I went through all my cards and decided to give some to the From Our Hearts Organization.  There's about 300 in the stack!

Well, I don't have a card for you today but hope to have one tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by today!

2 thoughts on “For From Our Hearts

  1. Monica

    Rachel, that’s what I need to do too also Ronald Mcdonald house will except too! Your cards are beautiful! can’t wait to get Digital Express.

  2. angela Mireles

    That is so kind of you. I did that once for operation write home. Since I dont have time to make cards that often I really hold on to the ones I make. Unless I know I wont use it


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