CA pictures

By | May 24, 2013

Hi Stampin' Friends

We finally went to the post office to get our mail and I want to thank you for the beautiful birthday cards I received while I was gone.  I will be posting them as soon as I've taken pictures or scanned them.  You guys are the best and I really appreciate you!

I am posting a couple of favorite pictures of my trip to CA.  If you want to see more of them, please go to my facebook page to view them.  Facebook page

This only includes the first few days of the trip – I'll post some more next week.  I wouldn't want to bore you too much! (ha, ha)


Checking in at the hotel – the view was gorgeous!


Tradition – I always eat at "Eggs & Things" the first morning I'm in California.  My daughter Deena and Rachel.


As we went up the coast to Santa Barbara Wine Country, we found the perfect spot for David to launch his kayak


Our favorite winery is Rancho Sisquoc.  We started going there in the 1980's and love how quaint it has stayed.  


Mother's Day at Deena's house.  Sandy (Deena's mother-in-law), Sydney (granddaughter), Tanner (grandson), Deena, Troy (grandson) and me!


Rachel spent the day in the pool!

Thanks for Stopping by today!



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