Sell it Softly

By | August 2, 2010

August 2, 2010

Convention 2010 featured Sue Rusch as our keynote speaker, as well as a class presenter. Her Main Stage remarks focused on Selling It Softly, or how demonstrators can increase their sales without feeling pushy or overbearing.

While Sue acknowledged that Stampin' Up! products are, indeed, awesome, she also noted that she'd never seen a product "sell itself." Any products, no matter how wonderful they are, need someone to sell them, Sue observed. And that's where you come in!

Sue taught that a product demonstrator focuses on the product, while a sales professional (which she encouraged every demonstrator to become) focuses on people. A product demonstrator emphasizes features and shows what a product can do, Sue explained, while a sales professional emphasizes feelings that products create and shows why the product matters.

In addition, Sue encouraged demonstrators to use the word imagine to paint a picture in the minds of customers, hostesses, and new recruits. She also encouraged demonstrators to anticipate hesitations and avoid a defensive position by saying, "You may be thinking. . . ." and then providing the answers to common questions or challenges before they even come up.

Finally, she taught convention attendees to collect and share others' experiences, and use those experiences as a "back-up chorus," or a means of supporting and reinforcing your message.

"We all want to feel appreciated and to appreciate others," Sue said.  She continued to explain that we also share a need to feel in control, to connect with others, to be noticed, and to realize our dreams. All that is possible with Stampin' Up!, especially when you realize how important it is to sell it softly.

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