Notes from Leadership 2011

By | January 16, 2011

Wow, LT went so fast and we were so busy that regular posting was hard to do (especially when trying to type on my phone!)

Here are some of the happenings from Thursday’s General Session:

Overall theme of change…

  • Organizational changes SU! made earlier this fall
  • Addition of item history in Customer Manager
  • Book-a-thon (5,520 workshops booked)
  • MDS Website and reduction in print pricing
  • Changes in regional agenda to make them more high energy.

SU! is embracing purposeful change – not just change for change sakes.

Global Year Long Campaign (across all markets) of “+one” – logo will evolve thru the year.  Incorporate one simple thing to what you already do for your business. 

SU!’s 3 Global Goals for 2011:

  1. Recruiting – 16,000 new recruits (11,500US, 2,000CAN, 2,500 other markets)
  2. Service levels (reduce Backorders, Reduce execution errors, simplify the process)
  3. Sales – $185 Million

SU’s +one will be sending B-day cards to each demo with a 15% off any one item on a demo order during their B-day month (needs to be the VERY FIRST item put on the order).

Career Plan Changes… (all beginning July 1st)

Announced before LT

  • Downline Volume Roll-up (must meet Title requirements & have 1 more in all 5 levels to earn)
  • Change in Title requirements for those levels which have two leadership requirements (expanded from levels 1-3 to levels 1-5)
  • Promotions “count” to the next active upline.

Announced at LT:

  • 1/2% increase on 1st level downline commission starting at Supervisor and above.
  • Incentive trip:  Simplified point calculations, Two trip options (Grand Vacation at 40K points and 2 night getaway at 30K points)
  • Bundles for each Mini-catalog (but not SAB) as well as the new catalog – so 4x per year.  Get discount for Supervisor/Sr. Supervisor.  Get FREE bundle(s) for Mgrs+ (this is to reduce our “out of pocket costs” and also will help with forecasting/backorders as they’ll know what we’ll have and be showing and be sure to have more product available of those as customers tend to buy what we show.  Will start with new catalog and June preorder.
  • FREE event registrations starting at Mgrs+ (must perform at your title the month prior to registration)
  • Redesigned SAM program (coming in a future announcement)
  • Coming in late spring – changes to the Awards, Hostess & Stampin’ Start Programs – all changes were touted as “Way Cool”

 Friday happenings…

Rich Jutkins (New President) has a total demonstrator base goal.  Currently have 49,600 demos globally which is down from the peak in Oct 2005 of 55,224.  Goal is to have 200,000 demos across the world by year end 2016.  If each person recruited just one person each year (and then everyone recruited 1 person the next year, etc.) by the end of 2016 we’d exceed that 200,000 goal.

 Scott Nielson (Chief Financial Officer) gave a great presentation by stamping cards to show the financial picture.

One measurement they track closely is Total Order Accuracy (TOA) which consists of 3 parts:

  • T – there (product available in the warehouse to ship out)
  • O – on time – shipped on time (meeting their time frame for shipping)
  • A – accurate – was the order accurate.

2009 – TOA was 60% (combined figure of those 3 pieces)

2010 – TOA was 69%

Goal for 2011 is 80%

 2010 Revenue – $186.7 Million – down 4% (but not as big of a drop as 2009 which was down 6% and 2008 which was down 9%)

2011 Target revenue is $188M

#Demos – 49.6K demos – up 19%

 That pretty much covered the general sessions.   SU! really mixed up the way we had done things in the past for LT and there were some VERY nice Changes – starting with a more informal breakfast gathering the first morning, dinner one night instead of lunch, all the way thru to FANTASTIC make & takes the last evening (charms, chains, etc.) they went ALL out with gifts and goodies for us as well.  It was DEFINITELY one of the best LT’s that I’ve been to.


 If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact me at and if I don't know the answer, I'll find it for you.


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