free Webinar – Facebook for Business: Explained by John SanPietro

By | January 25, 2011

 Hi there,

I've decided to do a webinar to help alleviate what seems to be a great deal of confusion about Facebook personal vs. business. Please feel free to share the info below with downline, etc.

Recently, there's been a lot of confusion about what you can and cannot do when it comes to promoting, or even talking about your business on your personal Facebook Page.

As a result of this confusion, I've received a LOT of questions about what, specifically, you can say, or whether you can say anything at all about your business on your personal page.

Some of those questions include:

  • If I'm getting ready for a workshop, can I talk about that on my personal page?
  • Can I link to my blog or website from my personal page?
  • Can I show pictures of my projects on my personal page?
  • Can I talk about my downline on my personal page?
  • What's the difference between my personal page and a Business Page?
  • If I 'Like' my own Business Page, and those updates appear on my personal page, will that get me in trouble?
  • What if my customers are already my Facebook Friends?
  • …and more.

To help end the confusion, I've decided to do a free webinar on Thursday, January 27th, at 10:00 p.m. eastern entitled, "Facebook for Business: Explained!"

During the webinar, I'll show you

  • how Facebook is structured
  • discuss Facebook's Terms of Service as written AND how Facebook is interpreting those rules in the real world
  • discuss the advantages and disadvantages of personal vs. Business pages
  • answer the questions listed above, as well as any questions you might have

By the end of this free webinar, I hope to give you enough information to allow you to decide how you wish to proceed on this incredibly important social networking site.

There are only 1,000 spaces for this free webinar, so don't hesitate to sign up.

Click here to sign up!

John Sanpietro
Certified Stamping Business Coach
Stamping Is My Business!

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