New Things

By | May 3, 2011

This is so true! – Rachel

By Jennifer Fong

I recently helped a client of mine launch a video contest. It’s pretty exciting (and the prize is a really sweet prize pack). But it’s also something brand new for this client. What’s been fun is watching them embrace this process, learning what they need to to make it work. The opportunity for additional company brand recognition is big, and there are so many possibilities that this opens up.

And there’s a lesson here for all of us.

So often we get comfortable in what has worked for us in the past. And while there’s value in staying true to proven practices, the only way we’re really going to grow is to also explore new things. Sometimes we need to take risks, step out into previously unknown territories. Sure, we can use examples of what folks have done before us in similar circumstances. But you have to be aware of what others are doing if you’re going to know what you should try. If you stay bound within your own cocoon of tradition, you’ll never grow.

So how do you find that balance between the system that works and new growth? Here are some suggestions:

§ Always start with your company’s training program. It’s got a system that will give you a good foundation, and it’s something you must master as a first step.

§ Connect with other innovative direct sellers online. Start with leaders in your own company. Take a look at what they’re doing, and how it’s working. An important point to note: Don’t just assume they’re successful because they’re “noisy” online. The real proof comes in how they advance, and how they sell.

§ Meet your minimums. Always make sure you’ve got a goal for sales and sponsoring each month, and make DARN sure you hit them. If you’re not getting close with an innovation you’re trying, go back to the basics.

§ Read industry blogs and publications. A lot of times these publications highlight what’s fresh, new, and working. So take a peek at what’s going on in the direct selling industry, and what others are trying with success. Figure out what will work with your own business.

Things that aren’t growing are dying. This includes your business. Sure, it’s important to stay true to the traditions that are the foundation of this industry. But they must be tempered with progress to make us a viable business model. Otherwise, you could easily go the way of Blockbuster.

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