Challenge: Just Do it!

By | June 13, 2011

Challenge: Just Do It!

By now, many of you have paged through the catalog several times and have no doubt made your “want it, need it, gotta have it!” lists.  STOP! Before you put together your first order, make sure you are using your “business brain” and not your “customer brain” when putting it together.

Take your list and assign a priority to the items:

  • place a “1” next to those items around which you have already planned a class or event or are replacing something essential for which you do not have a substitution;
  •  place a “2” next to those items for which you are planning to eventually use in a class or event;
  • place a “3” next to those items you loved but for which you don’t have an immediate need. 

Your first order should include pretty much ONLY “1”s! Once you get that first order and can revel in “new stuff” you might find getting your “2”s and “3”s isn’t as urgent!

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