Business Basics

By | July 7, 2011

 I  want to share my excitement at John's new 6 month class offering, a Stamping Business Basics Program.  You probably have figured out that I'm a "John fan" and I think this opportunity is right up my alley.

 It's a six month program where every week, for 25 weeks, participants will receive a new video or series of videos, based on a business-building topic.  I know I'm ready — like perfect timing — for this right now because I've been feeling rather overwhelmed and under-accomplished lately.  Anyway, these videos will be posted to a password-protected blog and participants will have access to the blog and videos for ONE YEAR from the day they register.  I need that kind of pacing opportunity!!

 So, if you're a new stamping business owner, a hobbyist who's ready to make stamping their business, or, like me, an existing stamping business owner who feels like they need a refresher, a push or just more knowledge, this program is for you.  And ME.

 The best part?  It's just $7 per month for six months.  Works for me!  And I think we'll all earn our $7 back in a flash.

 If this interests you, click on the link on the right side under Business Basics and watch the short video and then sign up!

I think this is ultra exciting and offers a great self-paced way to keep yourself on track, something we can all use.  Heck, I know I fall off all too frequently.  I get right back up but this Biz Basics Program, with it's weekly content, will be keeping me on track.



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