Convention 2011 – notes

By | July 18, 2011

Thousands of enthusiastic Stampin' Up! demonstrators filled the Salt Lake City Convention Center Thursday morning, eagerly participating in the first general session of Stampin' Up!'s Convention 2011: Grow. The demonstrators were greeted by an equally enthusiastic crowd of Stampin' Up! staff members–the home office was closed for the morning, and all employees were on hand to show their appreciation for our fantastic demonstrators! The hour before general session began, the Main Stage arena was filled with dancing, swapping, cheering, and simply enjoying each others' company!

During the opening general session, Shelli welcomed the group, thanking them for choosing to be at convention and sharing their love for stamping–and Stampin' Up!–with each other. She introduced the theme of the convention by talking about the Gardner Family garden and the thrill her family felt as they have planted, nurtured, and watched their garden grow this year.

Shelli also talked about the miracle of growth that was taking place at Stampin' Up! She committed to the demonstrators to do everything necessary to maintain–and increase–the momentum created by this growth, and she urged demonstrators, saying that "we will focus on our job, making sharing as easy, enjoyable, and rewarding as possible."

Shelli also urged demonstrators to do their job–sharing Stampin' Up! with others! "Sharing homegrown vegetables with the people next door is simply the neighborly thing to do . . . and inviting a friend over to stamp or scrapbook can be just as natural. No hidden agenda. No expectation. No sales pitch. Simply an offer to share something fun and meaningful. The chance to develop a skill and build a relationship. We all know that when someone picks up a stamp, their lives are never the same."

Also during the opening session, Shelli talked about our +One logo, which is "growing" every month. In addition, Pam Morgan, Stampin' Up!'s vice president of demonstrator and employee development, unveiled the Holiday Mini Catalog and the products featured in the new mini. Shelli joined Pam on stage for the announcement of a very exciting new product–Stampin' Up!'s own Simply Scored tool! Shelli and Pam also gave every participant an eight-pack of the Holiday Mini Catalog!

Demonstrators participated in two new marches during the general session–the First-Timers' March (for every demonstrator attending convention for the first time) and the Recruiters' March (for every demonstrator who shared Stampin' Up! with someone new this year).

Following the opening session, demonstrators attended classes and Make & Take sessions in the afternoon, then gathered again for the afternoon general session. During that session, the winning demonstrator commercials were shown, and the winner of the Surprise & Delight Stamp Space Makeover contest was announced (Congratulations, Tamzin Cochrane!).

The afternoon session also featured a practical and inspiring stamping presentation by Sara Douglass, who tried on several different pairs of shoes while talking about how, as demonstrators, we "wear" different shoes with our customers, depending on their needs. Sara also demonstrated perfect projects to share with people who claim they aren't creative, don't have enough time, don't have space, or can't afford it.

The evening was focused on honoring and rewarding some of our top-achieving demonstrators during our annual Awards Session. The top performers in various categories were announced and incentive trip achievers were honored, as well as our Rising Stars and Demonstrators of the Year.

Demonstrators wrapped up the first official day of Convention 2011 by attending the After Party, complete with light refreshments, music, and more fun! 

Be sure to also check out the Convention 2011 Highlights page to get a glimpse of convention through the eyes of our demonstrator reporters

The last day of Convention 2011 started out with classes and Make & Take sessions. Smiles were plentiful, and enthusiasm abounded as demonstrators continued to be inspired in each classroom.

Before lunch, demonstrators lined up to receive yet another convention prize–a free stamp set they received for attending at least five breakout classes. More than one demonstrator commented on how wonderful it was to be rewarded for learning great things!

Lunch was filled with last-chance visits to the Memento Mall and Demonstrator Resource Center and last-minute photos of displays and projects.

Then the closing session of Convention 2011 began. The session included two milestone marches, marches that Shelli called "some of my favorite" because every single demonstrator can qualify! The marches celebrate milestones that demonstrators reach–the anniversary march (marchers include those celebrating their 5-, 10-, 15-, and 20-year anniversary with Stampin' Up!) and the career sales march (marchers include demonstrators who have reached increments of $100,000 career sales). The high career sales march was $1.3 million–congratulations, Mary Polcin!

Shannon West and Carrie Cudney presented fabulous stamping presentations, sharing a variety of adorable projects that demonstrators loved. Special on-stage guests included Santa Claus and Willy Wonka, along with some of his followers.

Stampin' Up! president Rich Jutkins delivered the keynote address, explaining that too often we get caught up in the "how" and "what, forgetting the thing that really matters–the 'why.'" Rich shared stories about how he discovered his "why," and encouraged demonstrators to discover–and focus on–their "why" as well.

Rich ended his address by presenting a convention challenge: any demonstrator who recruits one person between July 16 and August 16 will earn a free stamp set from the new Idea Book & Catalog or the Holiday Mini. He also explained how convention attendees could actually earn up to four free stamp sets by sharing Stampin' Up! with others. Demonstrators were thrilled with the opportunity!

During her remarks, Shelli thanked all demonstrators who are involved in any way with the Ronald McDonald House Charities and the Making a Difference program, and she also announced this year's Heart of Stampin' Up! recipient–Jean Fitch, a demonstrator who struggles with health problems but who had found the perfect way to reach out and share what she loves with others through her service on Stampin' Connection.

To end the convention, Shelli shared the Convention 2011 Highlights video and gave out one last all-attendee giveaway, which included a free hostess stamp set and a My Digital Studio CD.

The session was the perfect way to wrap up Convention 2011. More than one demonstrator commented on how disappointed they were that convention was over, but that they were already looking forward to next year! And so are we!

Hope you can make it next year! 

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