Making the most of promotions

By | August 3, 2011

It doesn't hurt to reread some of this information regarding promotions.  I had forgotten about the "Hold a Contest" and will be promoting the 3 for 1 DSP in a blog contest with my customers. 


Make the most of Stampin' Up! promotions by trying some of these ideas:

Use Stampin' Up!'s Flyers for Your Customers

Download the black and white flyer available on the Demonstrator Web Site and either print copies on your own printer or make copies at your copy center. These flyers are specifically designed to mail to customers, but also include a flyer in each guest packet you distribute during your workshops. Make sure you draw attention to these flyers when you're explaining the packet contents with your guests. Say, "Pay special attention to our [insert name of promotion]. This flyer explains details of this limited-time promotion that allows you to [insert benefits of the promotion]. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them. Otherwise, make sure you [insert call to action statement]."

Use E-mail Flyers

Take full advantage of the full-color e-mail flyers available on the Demonstrator Web Site. We even supply suggested text that you can use to accompany this mailing. These flyers are specifically designed to e-mail to your customer base; they are small enough to e-mail quickly yet colorful to catch your customers' attention. Follow up with your customers. Make sure you follow up with each customer with a phone call. You might ask them if they received the e-mail flyer, then say, "I thought of you when I heard about this limited-time promotion. I thought you'd be really excited about this particular promotion because I know you love [insert specifics about the promotion that apply]. Did you have any questions about the promotion? [wait for reply] Would you like me to [insert action item you can do to help them take advantage of the promotion]?"

Distribute Black and White Flyers

Display and distribute the black and white flyers in any other way you can think of. These flyers have been professionally designed by Stampin' Up! to save you time and money creating your own promotion announcements. Leave them out at your office, send them with your husband to his work, hang them at your local grocery store or doctor's office, or hand them out during a neighborhood or community event. (Make sure distribution of handbills is permitted at the activity.)

Use Project Samples

The project samples included on this online training tool can be downloaded. Post them on your own Demonstrator Business Web site, along with an explanation of the limited-time promotion and the benefits your customer will enjoy if they take advantage of this promotion. You can also e-mail the samples to your customers, catching their creative attention, and ask them if they want to make this sample. If they do, they can order a certain product or supply at an exciting discount. Always include your contact information and an invitation to give you a call to place an order or to ask any questions. However, keep a careful record of who you send these e-mails to, then don't wait for them to call you. Be sure to follow up with them after a few days. When you call them, refer to the sample to help them recall visually what you're going to mention. You might say, "Marie, did you get that beautiful wedding card I e-mailed you on Tuesday? Wasn't it gorgeous? I know your daughter is getting married, so I thought you might be very interested in seeing that card. It only takes about 10 minutes to make, and right now Stampin' Up! is offering those beads at a 25 percent discount. Can I order a package of them for you?"

Strategize Your E-mails

When you send e-mail messages to your customers announcing the promotion, pay special attention to the message you send them. We supply some suggested text for each full-color flyer to save you time and the hassle. But if you'd like to come up with your own message, take a few minutes to think about what you want this message to accomplish. Keep the following in mind:

  • First you want to catch your customers' attention.
  • Next you want to briefly mention the promotion and make sure you mention that it's limited time. It always helps to point out the benefits of the promotion. Does your customer save money? Obtain a new hot accessory before anyone else?
  • End with a specific invitation to your customer to take a particular step (place an order, call you, etc.,) to take advantage of this promotion.
Hold a Contest

Hold a contest among your customers using a particular product that is being sold through a promotion. Announce the contest on your Demonstrator Business Web Site or at your workshops and other Stampin' Up! activities. Provide a clear deadline, and offer a prize that ties in with the promotion.

Plan Your Workshops and Events Around the Promotion

If you're particularly excited about a certain promotion, plan your workshops or other Stampin' Up! events around the promotion. Demonstrate the projects shown as part of the promotion's specific online promotion training or create your own projects showcasing the promotion product. Be sure to explain the promotion completely during the event, then tell your customers exactly what they need to take advantage of the promotion. If they haven't indicated their desire to do so when they turn in their order form, invite them again to take advantage of the promotion.


Some promotions are particularly well-suited for upsell opportunities. For instance, if Stampin' Up! is offering Fancy Fibers at a 20 percent discount, you can mention the Fancy Fibers several times during your workshop, pointing out how you could add them to every project you demonstrate. You may even actually demonstrate them.

Advertise with a Personal Touch

If you're fond of a more personal touch, hand write a note or postcard to your customers announcing the promotion, then use the promotional item on the correspondence to draw special attention to the item. Again, make sure that in your correspondence you mention the specific benefits this promotion offers your customers, then include an action item  you would like the customer to do.

Use Your Demonstrator Business Web Site

Use your Demonstrator Business Web Site to full advantage during every promotion. Outline the promotion clearly and include projects you've made with the products that are included in the promotion (if applicable). Make sure you include all available links and other downloadable options so your customers can easily find and access them. Consider updating your Web Site on a regular basis (the more often the better), so visitors to your site recognize the value of checking in often.

Use Teasers

If you provide any regular communications to your customers, such as newsletters or e-mail communications, include teasers about any current promotions. Word these teasers carefully to capture your customer's interest, point out the benefit of the promotion (a free item, a reduced price, etc.), and then clearly outline the action you want her to take (order a product, book a workshop, etc.).

Promote Promotions in Your Group Meetings

Talk about current promotions in your group meetings so that all of your downline members are aware of the promotions and understand them completely. Schedule discussion during the meeting so you can brainstorm ways to use the promotion and so that others can share their success stories.

Talk with Other Demonstrators

If you have a close group of fellow demonstrators, talk to them about the promotions and creative ways to announce them and advertise them. You can have these discussions over e-mail, on the phone, or during a fun stamping night.

Use Promotional Items on All Communication

Use the promotional items (stamps, buttons, fibers, etc.) on communication you send to others, both personally and professionally. If you send out a hard-copy newsletter to your customer base, stamp it with the stamp set featuring in that month's promotion. Accent cards and letters you send to hostesses, customers, and others with beads, glitter, etc.

Use the Promotion as an Incentive

Use the promotion as an incentive with your hostesses. Establish goals with them, and if they meet their goals, offer the promotion free. Make sure the goals you set are sufficiently high that you are not losing money when you provide the promotion to your hostess.

Use Customer Manager

Refer to Customer Manager when a new promotion is announced to identify which customers order the particular product or style featured in the promotion. Make sure these customers are aware of the promotion. Because you have specifically identified them as stampers who like this particular project, it may be worth your time to communicate with them personally. Take the time to call them or even visit them if they live near by.

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