The “I Need More Customers Myth”

By | August 7, 2011

Very true – I have over 300 customers on my newsletter mailing list and I think only about 20 percent actual have bought from me.

I'm taking this class!


From John SanPietro

One of the things I hear from Stamping Business Owners practically every day is:

"I need more customers!"

My response is almost always the same:

No you don't.  What you need are more of the right customers!

Probably one of the biggest reasons stamping business owners struggle is the customers and mailing list subscribers they have are not really helping them build a business that meets their needs and/or advances them efficiently toward their goals and objectives.

Think about it…

  • Is a customer who doesn't want to pre-pay for your classes helping you?
  • Is a customer who watches what you do, but then buys from Michaels really helping you?
  • Is a customer who thinks your prices are too high really helping you?

Of course not… but these are the customers most stamping business owners not only market to… but also continually cater to in their business!

How do you break this cycle, or avoid it entirely?

Be more specific when you're choosing your target audience!  Then, continue to laser in during the rest of the marketing process!

You won't get as many new mailing list subscribers, but you WILL get a higher percentage of people paying what you ask and actually contributing to the growth of your business.

Not only that, but you'll end up running a much more efficient business, as well.  Think about it… would you rather have 20 customers spending $100 each or 200 customers spending $10 each?

Targeting, marketing to and acquiring the right customers allows you to make at least as much money in significantly less time!

And THAT'S how you run an efficiently profitable business!

Please respond to the following question in the Comments section below:  What percentage of subscribers on your mailing list have spent money with you in the last six months?

Finally… if you're looking for more help with this type of 'laser targeting,' you only have two days left to sign up for the Marketing and Advertising Boot Camp!  It starts Tuesday, August 9th, and there won't be another until 2012, so don't delay!

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