Is it Worth It?

By | October 15, 2011


Sorry for all the typo's in yesterday's post.  I was posting from California and didn't put the article through the spell checker.


Is is worth it?

By Jennifer Fong

Every day is busy, filled with a flurry of activity for family, business, volunteering, and the like. Sometimes we get so busy that we simply go through the motions, just doing what’s expected of us.

Today the Direct Selling Education Foundation shared a post called “How Are Those Goals Working for You?” In it, they talk about how sometimes our goals are what everyone else expects of us. But it’s not the stuff we’re passionate about. In fact, if we’re not careful, we can spend our whole lives simply living the life that others expect of us, and completely miss out on our passion.

I have a feeling that Steve Jobs lived his passion. He also left an incredible legacy for the world. Your daily existence is different because he lived.

What kind of a legacy are you leaving?

Take a few minutes today to review your path. What direction are you heading? What passions are you feeding? Is your daily work fulfilling, or do you need to make some adjustments?

I saw this beautiful video today on Facebook. It’s narrated by Steve Jobs, and it’s the first “Think Different” commercial that Apple aired. See what you think.

Can’t see this? Click here: 

The things you do…are they worth it? Do they make a difference? Or is it time for a change? Only you can answer that. But you have to sit still long enough to ask the question.

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