I finally got around to changing my fb personal and business page – thought you might be interested in doing the same thing:
You can claim a Facebook URL for your personal profile and Business Page.
This means, instead of being http://www.facebook.com/your-business-name/aBunchOfNumbers, you can be www.facebook.com/stampwithsuzy. Much easier to remember and, obviously, better for branding.
To claim your Facebook Business Page URL, follow these instructions to the letter:
- log into your Facebook account
- Go to http://www.facebook.com/username
- You will be prompted to select a Username for your Facebook account. This is for your personal page. DO NOT SELECT YOUR BUSINESS NAME FOR THIS ACCOUNT. THIS IS NOT FOR YOUR BUSINESS PAGE.
- Once you've selected a Username for your account, you will see the option, 'Set A Username for Your Pages.' Click that.
- This is your where you will set the URL for your Facebook Business Page.
Remember, once you set these names, you cannot change them.