Would you like a free Big Shot?

By | August 1, 2009

Of course you would!


From 1 August until 31 August 2009,  I am holding the most exciting promotion I have ever put together in my five years as a demonstrator.  I will be giving away a Big Shot (value $99.00), Page 194 of the Idea Book & Catalog to a very lucky person – totally free!  No shipping, no tax, nothing.  Just the Big Shot die cut machine.

And how do you get in the drawing for this Big Shot?  Simply place an order of $50 or more between now and 31 August 2009 at midnight (CT).  Every person's name who places a $50.00 will go into the drawing once for every $50.00 they spent during this period.

I will draw the name via Random Number Generator on 1 September and announce the winner on 1 September on my blog.  This offer is CONTINGENTon ten $50.00 orders.  If I get more than ten $50.00 orders, I will start another list and if I get ten $50.00 orders on that list, I will have another drawing and give a 2nd Big Shot away!

Increase your chances of winning by placing a $100 or even $150 order if you like.  This offer can be used in conjunction with the 50/50 Rewards program.  It cannot be used with any other of my specials or offers.

Now is the time, I know that many of you are interested in this machine but are hesitant because of the initial expense.  NOW is your chance to get the Big Shot for 100% FREE.

Contact me immediate to place your order or to shop 24/7,  click here.  If you make a purchase through my on-line store, I will send you a confirmation that you name has been entered into the drawing.

Thanks for stopping by and GOOD LUCK!

FINE PRINT.  The FREE Big Shot offer is not be combined with any other promotions, coupon or sale except for my 50/50 Rewards Program.  Offer is contingent on at least TEN $50.00 increments from each group/list.  If there are LESS than ten $50.00 increments, the drawing will NOT be held. 



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