Blog Candy Giveaway

By | September 28, 2009

Don't forget – only two more days left for the blog candy giveaway.  All you have to do is enter a comment on any of my posts 16 – 30 September 2009 and you can enter as many times as you wish as long as it's one comment per post..  I'll be giving away six prizes.  All the details are listed at the top of this blog.

8 thoughts on “Blog Candy Giveaway

  1. Cathy Green

    I love candy! Especially when it doesn’t add inches to the waistline!!

  2. jmniffer

    Keeping my fingers crossed that you will pick me…they are all wonderful prizes that would be super to get. Thanks for chance, jmniffer

  3. Jan

    Thanks for offering all this candy. It is always exciting visiting your blog to see what ideas you have come up with! Thanks for sharing with us all!


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