
By | October 29, 2009

This card was cased from Heather Pulvirenti of Clean & Simple.  She used a Fisker's punch called Upper Crest Punch and I knew I could duplicate that look using our Curly Label Punch.


 The paper is from Kaleidoscope Designer Series paper. 


It's late and I want to go to bed – I'll the card directions and supplies on the blog tomorrow.

10/30 update:  Download a printer friendly version of the supplies and directions:

Download Kaleidoscope Card 30 Oct 2009.pdf (457.3K)

Good night and thanks for visiting!

3 thoughts on “Kaleidoscope

  1. Joyce Spear

    Oooo, I like this card! The Kaleidoscope paper adds such a punch! Speaking of punches, very clever of you to figure out how to duplicate a Fiskar’s!!


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