Arkansas Razorbacks!

By | November 12, 2009

I'm sure all my friends have heard this story, so if you've heard it before you may want to skip this part. 

Rachel, Cissy and David had come over for the day to watch a Razorback football game.  As you can see they have on the uniforms – after all we are a Razorback family through and through!.  When it was time for me to put Rachel down for her nap, I decided to remove her uniform and put a tee shirt on her.  After a couple of hours, she opens the doors and out she comes with lipstick from head to toe (see last photo) – she had gotten into my makeup!  Thank goodness I took her uniform off for her nap! 


This is one of the reason I love the My Digital Studio.  These pictures had been sitting on my computer because I never got around to scrapbooking them and this is the kind of memory you want to keep forever!  With the MDS, all you do is design the page and add the pictures!

Thanks for stopping by!

5 thoughts on “Arkansas Razorbacks!

  1. Michele Turner

    I too am a Razorback fan. #71 Wade Grayson is my cousin so we try to watch games whenever we can. Cute uniforms on the kids!


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