Happy Thanksgiving!

By | November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Stampers!Smiley from millan.net

I am thankful for so many things – for my wonderful supportive husband, for my daughters, their husbands and my wonderful beautiful grandchildren. Though my son, Louie, has been gone for 14 years, I am thankful that I had him for the first 30 years.

I am thankful for my best friend Becky in California, for my sister Monica, for my friend Jane here in Bella Vista.  And most of all, I am thankful for my on-line friends!

I thought I'd share some pages I'm working on using the My Digital Studio. 


 This is one of myself, my husband, son Louie, daughters Deena and Stephanie


 This a page of my daughter Stephanie, husband David and grandchildren (David III, Felicia and Rachel).


 This page is one of my daughter Deena, her husband Gary and grandchildren (Tanner, Troy and Sydney).

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

One thought on “Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. lisa808

    Happy Thanksgiving, Rachel!

    Great SB pages. I am so very sorry to learn of your loss. Treasure every day with your family.


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