Operation Write Home Spring Break Blog Hop

By | March 20, 2010


Hi Stampers

Welcome to the Operation Write Home Spring Break Bloghop! I'm #48 on the blog hop so if you arrived here from the STARS AND STAMPS blog then you are in the right place but if you've just happened along you will want to pull up a comfortable chair, grab your favorite beverage and head on over to the STARS AND STAMPS blog so you can start from the beginning!

For those of you who don't already know, Operation Write Home supports our nation's armed forces by sending blank handmade greeting cards for them to write home on as well as cards of gratitude to encourage them. So if you enjoy making greeting cards check out the tips for card makers here and you are on your way! Please note that the deadline for sending in Mother's Day cards is coming up on April 1st.

For today's bloghop, I decided to make a clean and simple card.


As a way to say THANK YOU  to my readers and fellow card makers, I am giving away a $25 gift certificate to Stampin' Up!  I will take care of the shipping and taxes so you can pick out anything you want from any of the catalogss.  Just leave a comment and don't forget to mention this blog hop.  I will select a winner on Monday morning, so you need to check back here on Monday to see if you won.  Good luck!

I'm sending a card for every comment I receive during this blog hop.  And if you would like to join me in donating, here are the current card deadlines:

Postmark by these dates
Mother's Day: April 1
Graduation: April 19
Father's Day: May 15
All other cards: Anytime!!!

For shipping address and details about what the requirements are, go here.

The next stop on this Spring Break Bloghop is Verve from Plaid Polka Dots.  If the link is broken, go right back to the start and go down the list until you come to #49.  Thanks again for visiting!

57 thoughts on “Operation Write Home Spring Break Blog Hop

  1. Erica

    That is a great card for OWH because it can be used for anything. Thank You for playing along in the bloghop. I will join you next time.

  2. Louise Fox

    Rachel, I really enjoyed looking at your website. Your card is simple, but I really like it a lot and it is a great card to make for OWH. I also saw your snow pictures, which made me a little home sick. I grew up in Salem, Ark near Bull Shoals. There is just something so different about the terrain in Arkansas. It is one of he most beautiful places in the US. Blessings, Louise

  3. Renee

    I am a bling fan so I love your card. Looks like you’ve got lots of great stampin’ tips on your blog. I’ll be back.

  4. Hannah Means

    Thank you for sending cards to OWH! This is such a wonderful way to use our talents to cheer up those servicemen and women who are fighting to preserve our liberties. scrappygal1 at gmail dot com.

  5. Julie

    Love that polka dot grosgrain ribbon! And hey, I’m in Louisiana so we’re practically neighbors ;P

  6. Kajikit

    Wow! That’s some mighty generous blog candy you’re offering… love your very elegantly simple card.

  7. Robin

    I’m a clean & simple scrapper and a clean & simple card maker. I’m new to OWH (sent off my first envelope of cards 2 weeks ago). I am truly enjoying the inspiration from the blog hop. Thanks!

  8. laurlynn

    I love how the simple card becomes so much more with the gems! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Lee - grandmalee

    What beautiful cards here on your blog! The OWH card is fabulous! I love to keep these cards CAS too! My daughter will be going to Afghanistan soon, so I’m stockpiling cards to send. I love that you’re making so many cards to send! I can tell you from experience that these cards are truly sppreciated!

  10. Jeri M

    What a beautiful card!!! So versatile and love the colors!!!

    As a military spouse and someone new to OWH, I thank you for taking part in this awesome blog hop and in OWH!

  11. Martha

    Your card is so fresh and pretty! I like the line of bling. Somehow it feels just perfect as it echos the line of ribbon. Very nice!

  12. Kara

    I love how simple, yet elegant your card is. I’m usually not a fan of bling, but this I will have to try. Thanks!!

  13. Wendy

    Beautiful card. Clean and simple sometimes makes more of a statement then colorful and busy.

  14. Cathy

    Love your clean style! I just bought those SU sentiment stamps and I LOVE them! Thanks so much for sharing, making cards for the troops, and offering such a generous blog candy!

  15. Bev

    I like the simple card Rachel. Yuk for this snow! Hope to see you sometime soon. Miss everybody!

  16. lisa808

    Rachel, you are so generous. I just learned of the blog hop through your posting, so I’m off to start at the beginning. I have a busy week coming up, but I will try to get a few cards made.

  17. Corri

    I love your card…very beautiful. Thanks for participating in the OWH blog hop and for the chance to win a gift certificate.

  18. cynthia chapman

    This is a great card. I love making simple cards. ;0)

  19. Rufus

    What a great CAS card! I’d love to win your gift certificate! But even more I love that you’re going to do a card for each comment. I’m a big supporter of OWH and what it stands for. I’m tempted to flood you with comments (just kidding). Whenever I read the Hero Blog I always make sure I’ve got a BIG box of kleenex! Thanks for your support of OWH and our Heroes!

  20. Christine Carnago

    very very pretty card in its simplicity… plus red is my favorite color 🙂
    thanks for participating in the blog hop…. i’m having fun – hope you did too

  21. Andrea

    I absolutely love this card! It is so clean, simple and elegant. Great job! TFS and thanks for the chance to win!

  22. jengd

    Great card! I love the clean and simple look and those rhinestones give it all the sparkle it needs!

  23. jengd

    I love how clean and simple this is with the bling of the rhinestones to give it a bit of sparkle!

  24. StampinSher Sheri

    So nice of you to give a gift certificate. I agree, there are many opportunities to keep your card back to basics and keeping it clean and simple. You achieved that with your card today.

  25. Carolyn

    Your card is simply sensational!!! Red is one of my favorite colors, and I love the way it *pops* against the lovely, white background!! So very beautiful!!!


  26. shelly

    Your card is so pretty! The red polka dot ribbon just sets the whole thing off. Thanks for taking part in the OWH hop. 🙂

  27. Golda

    Wow! There are a lot of hops in the OWH Spring Break Bloghop. Gorgeous cards all along the way. I love the simpleness of your card. It is beautiful!

  28. cut n paste

    Love this!!! So simple and so elegant!! Thanks for being in the hop!

  29. Loni

    I fall in love again with that red and white polka-dot ribbon every time I see it… Great card. Thx for supporting OWH.Hugs, Loni (Stop #55)

  30. Susan G

    it may be CAS, but it is a bold statement with that bling added. LOVELY card. I am so glad I found this OWH blog hop today, I hope to be with you all on the next blog hop as a blogger…wish I knew about this marvelous organization sooner.

    Thanks for doing what you do,

  31. sanwanya

    Great blog hop even if I did get lost!All the creations was great!What a great cause!Have a great week!

  32. Collette

    What a great card – love the simplicity – yet doesn’t look like you skimped at all – wonderful having you in the blog hop


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