Born to be Wild

By | May 21, 2010

Good Morning Stampers:


As I was making today's card, the following kept going through my head:

Get your motor runnin'
Head out on the highway
Lookin' for adventure
And whatever comes our way

Motorcycle copy

Of course, I do not have a desire to head out on the highway or even "be wild" at my age! (LOL)  I really like this stamp even though I will not use it very much but it's one of those that you just have to have no matter how useful it is.


One thought on “Born to be Wild

  1. Sabriena Satchwell

    I love this card!!!! I never thought to put the motorcycle with Cast-A-Spell DSP! I cannot wait to get home and CASE this card 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

    Ps – Where did the born to be wild saying come from?


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