Grandparents’ Day

By | September 8, 2010

Hi Stampers

I loved my grandparents and was very close to them.  My grandfather died in 1972 and my grandmother died in 2001 and I still think of them often.  They lived in what was then rural Moorpark and I remember going to the garbage dump with my grandfather in his old truck.  Or eating Butter Brickle Ice Cream with my grandmother – she loved Butter Brickle!

In honor of Grandparents' Day (this Sunday), I'd like to hold a contest on your favorite memories of your grandparents.  I'll post the winner's post on Monday, 13 September 2010.  Just leave your comments on any post between now and Sunday 12 September 2010.  The winner will also also receive the A Little Bit of Magic Clear Mount stamp Set #120033.


8 thoughts on “Grandparents’ Day

  1. melinda

    Awww the memories me and my twin sis had with my grandma jessie We miss her so much! my grandmother was in a will chair and that never stoped her,i remember me and my sis @ The age of 11 would push her to the store to go get snacks ;)mmmm boy did she love her snacks!(lol). we didnt think about it then, but now when we talk about it and we say wow we walked to the store @ night to get snacks… lol we miss her soooo much. what great memories we had with our grandma jessie 🙂

  2. debbie essay

    My favorite things about my dad’s mom and dad were that no matter what I did …. I was perfect at it. And yes I was the first and only grandchild for a long time….. They were the best….they had sleep overs with me and let me eat Strawberry ice cream for breakfast if I wanted. My grandpap taught me to draw boxes with sharpie markers on the kitchen table ….the markers bled through to the table ….but they never minded. I think he was first inspiration into crafts. I do miss them so….

    thanks for asking about them :0)

  3. kathy herrick

    i remember riding in the car with my grandparents and listening to my grandma (a non-driver) telling my grandpa how to drive. funny!

  4. Monica Martinez

    i would have honored my grandparents anytime. They were one of the best grandparents a kid would have. My mothers parents had a late child six month older than me. My grandpa was always going to pick me up so i could play with my uncle. I was always staying at they’re house. waking up to pancakes, in the morning was one of my favorites times there with my grandpa drinking his coffee. As i grew up and got married, my grandpa would come and leave my grandma at the shopping center and he would come and spend the day with me, playings card and he would take his naps there. I’d make him lunch and he would play with my kids. There are so many more memories i have that are priceless. They will remind in my heart forever.

  5. Rhonda Miller

    I remember as a young child sitting on my grandpa’s lap and having him tell us stories he would make up. It was so much fun and I to this day think of parts of his stories.

  6. Bonita J.

    I remember my grandpa giving me juicy fruit gum. Also for my birthday a $1.00 was always inside the card.

  7. Pat

    What a wonderful gesture. With our busy lives we some times forget to step back and remember those who have left us. My Grandmother (my mothers mother) always made this wonderful Rye bread and this sticky choke cherry jelly. She never shared her recipe and many times you would just love to have that warm bread with home churned butter and sticky jelly. When I look at my hair it is colored like hers and has thinned like hers did and it makes me wonder will I look like she did when she was my grandmother. She was so full of unconditional LOVE. Thanks for encouraging us to stop and look back on those wonderful memories.

  8. Jamie Adcock

    I was fortunate enough to have my grandparents for the first 39 years of my life. They passed away within months of each other, my grandpa last November and my grandma in April. They were both a very big part of my life. Some of my favorite memories of them are the times they spent with my daughter. She adored her GG and GP and spent every free minute with them. We were lucky enough to live in the same City as them for two years and every school break she was their Princess and ruled the roost! To see the love and joy on all three of their faces when they spent time together laughing and having fun will live in my heart forever.


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