52 Weeks of Mail

By | October 8, 2011

Hi Ladies

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.  The weather is beautiful here in Northwest Arkansas – how's the weather in your area?

Did you get a peek at the new doily die which will be available with the Occasions Mini?  Check it out here……

I saw the 52 Weeks of Mail Campaign on one of the blogs I follow called Simplicity.  I think it's a great idea and will certainly get us stamping if we haven't been doing any lately.  And even though the campaign has already started, we can still participate!


52 Weeks of Mail


Blogger V-Grrrl tapped me on Facebook to let me know about 52 Weeks of Mail, a challenge to send at least one card a week for a year, starting October 9th (this Sunday). It's sponsored by Etsy Greetings Team. Here's the FB Info blurb from their page:

"52 Weeks of Mail, brought to you by Etsy Greetings Team, is designed to encourage people to be more intentional about relationships and keeping in touch with friends and family by sending out a card or letter each week, for the next year. I don't know about you, but I LOVE getting a personal, hand-written card or letter in the mail.

"Throughout 52 Weeks of Mail, we are asking everyone to commit …to sending just ONE card or letter each week. You can send more than one, of course! 52 Weeks of Mail BEGINS on October 9th, 2011, and ends on October 7th, 2012. Please feel free to blog about this event, or share it on your Facebook page. Share it on Twitter, or any other social networking site too!"

What a wonderful idea! I'm totally on this like white on rice, like fur on a golden retriever, like a spine on a book, like ink on paper, like a stamp on an envelope, like…okay, I'll stop with the similes.

Are you on with me?

If you want to buy handmade cards or to encourage non-cardmaking friends to buy handmade cards on Etsy, here's the link.

But I expect most of you will, like me, make your own cards. What a fab incentive to use some stamps that have been gathering dust!

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