12 Weeks of Christmas

By | September 22, 2009

Starting the week of 28 September, I'll be doing my 12 weeks of Christmas campaign.  Twelve fantastic holiday ideas to make the season brighter – my holiday gift to you.  It's for members of my mailing list exclusively.  If you are not on the mailing list, make sure you sign up today.

My newsletter sign up form is in upper left corner corner of blog.


10 thoughts on “12 Weeks of Christmas

  1. Rhonda Miller

    Sounds like fun. I think I’m already on the mailing list, but I’m checking to make sure. Wouldn’t want to miss the fun.

  2. Michele Turner

    I don’t know if I can handle any more Christmas ideas! After the blog tour I think my brain is on idea overload. But keep them coming anyway.

  3. jmniffer

    I’m looking forward to the 12 weeks of Christmas. I thought I was already signed up but guess not. Thanks for the reminder. jmniffer

  4. Cathy Green

    This sounds fun! I can’t believe that Christmas is just 12 weeks away!!!


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